The Kodiak Island archipelago is world renowned for its giant coastal brown bears, but did you know that the islands have more than just bears for wildlife viewing? The coastal areas of Kodiak are rich with marine life, including fin whales, orcas (killer whales), humpback whales, two species of porpoise, harbor seals, the Steller sea lion and the photogenic sea otter.
Inland, you might see: Roosevelt elk, bison, reindeer, mountain goats, Sitka black-tailed deer and the red fox. Many of these land species were introduced to the islands. Indigenous mammals include the Kodiakbrown bear, little brown bat, short tailed weasel, tundra vole, red fox and the river otter.
Kodiak also attracts bird-viewing hobbyists from around the world. Thousands of waterfowl and seabirds live along the coasts of the Kodiak archipelago. Some of the species you might see on the water include: harlequin ducks, scoters, murrelets, eider, emperor geese, tundra swans, terns and puffins. Inland birds include: peregrine falcons, merlin falcons, the bald eagle, several species of warblers, the varied thrush, winter wrens and black capped chickadees.
No matter what your preference, our knowledgeable pilots and staff will help you put together a once in a lifetime wildlife viewing adventure.
Here are some of the services we provide:
Transportation to and from your wildlife viewing location.
Coordinating guided trips depending on your specific needs.
Assistance with all unguided actives from air charter to cabin accommodations.
Outdoor gear rental available upon request.
For more information on the coastal brown bear, wildlife viewing and Alaskan wildlife check out the following links: